A unique secret service museum to be opened in Ivanovo

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500 thousand rubles were allocated to the organization of veterans of state security “Shield and Sword” in the form of a targeted grant.

They will complete the decoration of one of the halls, which will allow opening part of the exposition for Ivanovo residents and guests of the city. On March 16, the head of the regional center Vladimir Sharypov visited the museum.

He handed over to the center the edition of the 1925 almanac “Red Manchester” preserved in the home archives of the city residents. The book will supplement the museum’s library, which already includes more than 700 copies. As noted by the curator of the exhibition, candidate of historical sciences Elena Pochivalova, the historical and local history exposition will be located in four halls of the future museum. Each of them is dedicated to a separate period of the work of the state security organs: revolutionary events, the Great Patriotic War and the period of the Cold War.

The museum has recreated the Chekist’s office, presents a unique encryption technique and means of special communication, weapons and clothing items of secret services. A collection of photographs and archival documents has been collected, revealing the social and political situation of those years.

It should be noted that this year, within the framework of grant support, 26 socially oriented organizations received 4 million rubles.