A sandwich panel plant caught fire near Volgograd

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In the city of Volzhsky in the Volgograd region, a workshop that produces sandwich panels is on fire. This was reported by the press service of the regional GU EMERCOM of Russia on Saturday, August 8.

According to the updated information, the fire started on the street. Alexandrova. Burning area – about 1 thousand sq. m. The REN TV channel clarifies that the plant building with an area of ​​150 by 500 meters is on fire.

Rescuers received a message about the fire at 13:29 Moscow time, at 16:03 local time (15:03 Moscow time) firefighters localized the fire.

According to preliminary data, no one was killed or injured. Information is being specified.

The TV channel also published a video from the scene of the fire. The video shows a hangar and building materials stacked on the street. Puffs of smoke come from the end of the building.

Earlier, on July 3, a fire broke out at the Rikon butter and cheese plant in the Kalmansk region of the Altai Territory. The roof of the administrative building suffered the most. According to the director of the enterprise Oleg Makhnakov, on July 7, the work of the packing department was re-launched. He did not name the reasons for the fire.

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