A residential building burned down in the Smolensk region

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Yesterday, April 16, in the village of Pushkino, Vyazemsky district, residents of one of the private houses noticed smoke, which began to rapidly fill the premises. The owners of the house went around the house and found that a wall was burning in one of the rooms. Then they immediately called the firefighters, after which they themselves rushed to extinguish the fire.

“At 14:30 on April 16, 2021, a message was received at the communication point of PSCh No. 12 about a fire in the Vyazemsky district, the village of Pushkino. One PSCh # 12 tanker, one PCh # 82 PPS tanker, 5 personnel went to the place of the call, ”the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Smolensk Region reported.

Volunteers from the Stepanniki volunteer fire brigade were the first to arrive at the scene. They tried to contain the flames until the firefighters arrived. Meanwhile, the fire spread faster and faster over the wooden structure.

By the time the professionals arrived, the fire had completely engulfed the house. Together, firefighters and volunteers fought the fire. Unfortunately, the house could not be saved.

The cause and damage caused by the fire element will be determined by specialists. The main alleged cause of the incident is a wiring malfunction.