A pensioner paratrooper survived in the forest near Tver for three days

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Volunteers of the search and rescue squad found a retired paratrooper alive who had been surviving for several days in a forest in the Tver region. One of the participants in the search told about this.

It is noted that the 82-year-old man went to the forest for mushrooms and disappeared. A day later, a request came to the volunteers’ working chat to search for the missing person. According to the volunteer, they first searched the forest near SNT, where the grandfather left from.

On the third day, the count went to hours, the search engines noted, since the elderly man was in the forest without food or water. Seven people were looking for a pensioner. They found him collecting sticks for a fire.

“We leave the forest for about an hour, all this time grandfather tells us stories from his life, jokes and cannot believe that three days have passed already -“ Well, how? I just left for mushrooms in the morning! ”- said the volunteer.

In the village, the pensioner was met by the relatives of his grandfather, from whom the volunteers promised not to go to the forest alone, the newspaper Izvestia writes.

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