A new highway will appear in the Leninsky district of Saratov in 2021. This was ordered on August 6 by the governor of the Saratov region, Valery Radaev. He visited the construction of a regional infectious disease center in the village of Elshanka. The institution will be able to simultaneously receive 400 patients. According to the project, it will be a complex of buildings consisting of several buildings, which will be connected by a covered gallery. In addition to the administrative building, there will also be a building for resuscitation, operations, diagnostics and treatment. The object will be located on an area of 28 thousand square meters.
“We need to contact the federal center to help us with the equipment, since the equipment here should be the most modern,” said Valery Radaev.
Regional Health Minister Oleg Kostin noted that the wards will have their own clean zones and each box can be entered through a separate entrance.
“If we had such a hospital, we would be much more successful in coping with the spread of the coronavirus,” he said. In 3 months the buildings were completed to the second or third floors.
The governor was dissatisfied with the fact that there is practically no entrance to the infectious diseases center and ordered to build a highway in Elshanka, which will connect the institution with the Moscow highway.
Valery Radaev instructed to work out a project for the construction of an automobile entrance to the new hospital from the Moscow highway.
“There should be a modern highway so that there are no difficulties with the delivery of patients. A project should be prepared this year, and it is planned to start building the road in the spring of 2021,” Radaev gave the task to the Minister of Transport and Roads, Alexei Zaitsev.