A monument to the architect Pyotr Nikitin was unveiled in Kaluga

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A monument to the famous architect Pyotr Nikitin was unveiled in Kaluga on Sunday, August 23. It was installed at the gates of the St. Lavrentiev Monastery, since it is here in the necropolis that Nikitin was buried, the chief architect of Kaluga, Aleksey Komov, told MK in Kaluga.

“Today we unveiled a memorial sign to Peter Nikitin. There is no exact place of his grave, but according to documents he was buried here, in the necropolis. This is a great architect not only for Kaluga. He was the chief architect of Moscow for three years. He is considered his own in Tver. in Kaluga he created a masterpiece – the general plan of the city, which is studied in the European urban planning school. This is a sign of the presence of Russian culture throughout the world, “said Komov.

Not a single image of Nikitin has survived to this day, so a part of the general plan of Kaluga is applied to the monument. Alexey Komov himself was engaged in the development of the sign.

Komov himself more than once called Nikitin the Russian Elon Musk of architectural thought of the 18th century. The scale of Nikitin’s personality is striking and inspiring. Nikitinskaya Kaluga is an ensemble city, which was created according to a single regular plan. However, the image of the regional center was embodied by the efforts of many people. According to Komov, at present there is a great lack of such creative heroes as Peter Nikitin, who are looking into the future.

The monument was opened on St. Lawrence Day. Many people from Kaluga attended the opening.

In mid-June, a memorial plaque to Peter Nikitin was unveiled in Kaluga. It is installed on Nikitin Street, building 3.

Pyotr Nikitin (1726-1784) – architect, town planner, who stood at the beginning of Russian town planning in the era of classicism. In 1776 Nikitin was invited by the governor of Kaluga and especially for him the position of adviser to the governor on architecture was introduced with a huge salary and reimbursement of expenses. In 1778 he drew up a regular city plan and began to implement it.

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