A military tactical game was held for Tula teenagers

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The event for the prevention of antisocial phenomena among minors took place in the form of a military tactical game “Laser Tag”, the press service of the Tula city administration reported today, on August 6.

The game was held within the framework of interagency cooperation on the basis of the GUDO TO “Regional center for training citizens of the Russian Federation for military service and military-patriotic education of the Tula region” with the participation of employees of the department for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency of the administration of the city of Tula Thule.

Several teams fought on an impromptu battlefield.

According to the organizers of the event, for laser tag a team needs high cohesion, strategy for the game, understanding of laser combat and physical endurance.

The winners received sweet gifts from the main department of the administration of the city of Tula for the Zarechensky territorial district.

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