A food critic opened a restaurant for … a chipmunk

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For Atlanta, Georgia-based food columnist Angela Hansberger, the coronavirus pandemic has been particularly challenging. After all, she could not write about the work of restaurants that were closed due to quarantine measures.

To somehow cope with this sad situation, Hansberger decided to open her own restaurant on the veranda of her house. True, the only “guest” of this unusual institution is a chipmunk living nearby, and before that often visited Angela’s house.

Using vegetables from her own garden and her vast culinary knowledge, Hansberger has developed a varied menu for a small client. Every day she came up with something new – vegetable pizza with salad, Chinese dumplings with nuts, little spaghetti with tiny date meatballs, or sticks made from almond flour.

The chipmunk, whom Hansberger named Thelonious Monk after the famous jazz musician, usually appears a few seconds after his “order” is laid out on the veranda table. Probably determines readiness by smell, explains Hansberger. And the “reviews” are also very good. One day, a chipmunk came with a tiny bunch of dried leaves and laid them on the table. “It must have been his tip,” she laughs.

And yet, Thelonious is always on the lookout – perhaps he fears that this is some kind of trap. And the cat Hansberger, it seems, would also like to consider this a trap. But the owner of the “restaurant” is closely monitoring the situation – so far no conflicts have arisen.

When asked what Thelonious Monk did for her, Angela replied, “He gave me back the joy of life. I confess that I shot more videos with this chipmunk than with my children. True, this is not good, but it just so happened … “.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
Menu for an unusual guest

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