A car burned down in Pestyaki at night, and an apartment in Ivanovo: there is a victim

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Today, April 17, at night, employees of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations twice had to go to the fires.

The first signal came at about one in the morning, from the regional center, where one of the apartments caught fire at 12 Lyubimov Street. Rescuers, who promptly arrived at the scene of the emergency, in the amount of 18 people, coped with the fire in a matter of minutes. Despite the fact that the furniture and interior decoration burned out on an area of ​​six square meters, one of the residents was injured in the fire.

At about four o’clock in the morning, the firefighters went to extinguish a burning car in Pestyaki, on Malygin Street. For about ten minutes, the fire, which engulfed not only the vehicle, but also the grass around the fire, did not want to give up. The burned-out area was twenty square meters. This time people were not hurt.