In Yalta (the Republic of Crimea), it is planned to carry out patching of 50 road sections by the end of the year. The head of the city administration Stanislav Shaportov told IA “Kryminform” about it.
According to him, the work will take place on the streets of Naydenov, Izobilnaya, Krivoshty, Kievskaya, Gogol, Blucher, Gorky, Krasnoarmeiskaya, Grigoriev, Krupskaya, Krasnoarmeiskaya, Klara Tsetkin, Udarnik, YBSh, Karl Marx, Malyshev and others.
In addition, the authorities intend to repair part of the streets in the settlements of the city district. For example, the Sevastopol highway in Alupka, Mayakovsky street in the village of Koreiz, Stakhanovskaya street and April 16 in Massandra.
According to the deputy head of the city, it is planned to complete the patching by the end of 2020. For these purposes, 14.8 million rubles will be allocated.