Sleep trouble is not at all uncommon in society. You must know at least one person who says that s/he can’t get enough sleep for specific reasons. They might look normal or a bit tired and may lose focus at their work and social activities, all because of sleepless nights. Sleep disorders are a common issue among the youth and middle-aged population across the globe, and technology (social media and increased screen time) has made it worse in the last few years.
One can experience sleep disorders because of genetic inheritance, bad environment, bad habits, and medication. But, there are many ways one can handle this issue and get a good night’s sleep quickly. Of course, there are sleeping pills and tonics, but consuming them can make you sick or bring more medical conditions to your body. Some take magnesium tablets to get a good night’s sleep, which is more practical and least harmful to work things out.
What is magnesium (Mg), and how does it help get better sleep?
It is one of the common minerals found on Earth, and it is present in many food items. Being a vital mineral for the human body, doctors also recommend tablets or food items containing magnesium, especially for sleeping problems.
The mineral is required to perform around 600 cellular reactions (chemical) throughout the human body, making it a vital mineral that everybody must include in their diet. Magnesium also contributes to bone health and proper brain, heart, and muscle function.
It is also suitable for fighting inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and relieving constipation. And finally, it helps you sleep better.
Magnesium tablets help in better sleep.
For a nice and long sleep, your body and brain need to relax. Mg helps speed up the process by triggering the parasympathetic nervous system on a chemical level. This is the system responsible for making you calm and relaxed. The Mg regulates neurotransmitters that signal the nervous system and brain and help them relax.
Magnesium tablets also regulate the hormone called melatonin, which controls the sleep-wake cycle in the human body.
The benefits of Mg don’t end here. This mineral binds to GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors. This is the neurotransmitter responsible for calming down nerve activities. Sleep drugs such as Ambien use this same neurotransmitter for its function. By preparing the nervous system to calm down, Mg helps your body and mind to sleep peacefully. One thing you must remember is that—you must take tablets as per your doctor’s suggestion only.
Food items that have a high quantity of Mg are:
- Dark chocolate
- Avocados
- Nuts
- Legumes
- Tofu
- Seeds
- Whole grains
- Fatty fish
- Bananas
- Leafy greens
Some people have chances of magnesium deficiency, and it can be because of the following:
Digestive diseases Issues in the digestive tract can cause your stomach and intestine not to absorb enough vitamins and minerals such as Mg properly, resulting in a deficiency.
Diabetes: The resistance to insulin and diabetes are related to excess magnesium loss. Diabetes can incur many other comorbidities as well.
People with alcohol addiction: Heavy drinkers have issues with Mg deficiency too.
Older citizens: As one gets old, the quantity of Mg decreases in the body. Only a proper diet can help you out.
These points must have made you realise the importance of magnesium in your everyday life. Sleep is as essential as food, but many ignore its significance and suffer later. Not having proper sleep can even lead the body to incur many diseases. Only a proper Mg-rich diet can help you sound asleep.