8 Tips to Get The Most Out of a Rental Storage Facility

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Lack of space is a common issue in most houses. People need space in their homes for a variety of reasons. Space problems, nevertheless, can be handled by using storage alternatives. When it comes to finding extra space, storage units are unquestionably a great asset. They are a great way to store useful but barely used items like furniture, inventory, family heirlooms, and other family belongings.

But that’s not all! There are several benefits of a rental storage facility, including:

  • A self-storage is an excellent option for your business needs. It provides a platform for your business, whether it’s to keep stock or merchandise.
  • You can store your belongings in storage before a move. It gives you more time to pack and mark everything before moving out and moving in.
  • Self-storage reduces the clutter from your home during the renovation process.
  • One of the many reasons why storage units are popular is because they offer a safe, secure, and convenient alternative to constructing storage areas—attic, sheds, garage etc. —in your current rental home.
  • You can get customized storage sizes according to your needs and affordability.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Facility

We’ve created a list of some helpful tips to assist you in getting the most out of your storage facility:

Choose a local storage:  The best approach to have a good storage unit experience is to select your facility carefully. Local storage is a simple alternative for storing stuff when you don’t have enough space inside your house. For example, Newbury is a commercial and residential area, with a growing demand for storage from both households and companies. For convenience and economical rates, you can rent newbury park storage to meet your needs if you’re based in the area. The facility offers cutting-edge security as well as convenient access to all its clients. Having your possessions stored somewhere you can trust will provide you with a better experience.

A closer location—or one in a central area of the city— can also prevent long commutes and cut down costs of renting trucks when its time to move. Consider your options and go for a facility that offers a seamless experience and value for money.

Understand your needs: Your priorities may vary depending on your storage needs. Some prefer affordability over security. If your first goal is the safety and security of your belongings, you should know that what you receive is what you pay for in any transaction. Make sure how much you’re ready to spend.

Consider the layout: Creating a map of the unit will allow you to see any problems you may encounter during the move, offering you a chance to change things up beforehand. Some storage units come with built-in shelves, drawers, and cupboards, while others require you to bring your own crates and boxes to store items per your needs. Depending on your items going in the storage unit, size and layout matter a lot.  Facilities that offer customized options may work best for people who move a lot or keep most of their possessions away from living spaces.

Expanding a Storage Facility

To expand your storage facility, to get the most out of it, consider the following options.

1.      Add shelves

To make more space, you can add shelves to the storage unit. These bespoke shelves will help you arrange everything conveniently. Small kitchen appliances, shoes, and trinkets can fit nicely on these shelves without creating clutter. Avoid storing things affected by high or low temperatures such as food items, makeup, or paint boxes. Unless you have a ladder around, store things at a reachable height on lower shelves.

2.      Store vertically

Store long and leveled items such as furniture, appliances, pipes or equipment in an upright position will free up extra space. When placed horizontally, things take up more space than usual. It is one efficient way to create extra space in your storage facility and prevent chances of tripping over.

3.      Dismantle the furniture

Bulky furniture can make it difficult to fit other items around it. Hence, it is advisable to disassemble furniture where possible. To conserve storage space, examine the fittings to see if the parts can be separated. It includes, among other things, dismantling headboards, mattresses,  bed frames, and table legs. Make a ziplock bag for any screws, nails, or furnishings you’ll need to rebuild the furniture.

4.      Use storage boxes of equal size

When you’re purchasing the boxes or crates, make sure that they are all the same size. It is far easier to stack identical storage boxes on top of one another. Some of these boxes may collapse if the size isn’t uniform. Moreover, uniform stacked boxes will keep your space neat and tidy and everything organized. To avoid inconvenience, purchase boxes from the same supplier.

5.      Place large and heavy items at the bottom

Start with large and heavy items like furniture and big storage boxes, placing them at the bottom of the unit, towards the rear. Use the larger boxes as a foundation for the smaller ones. Stack smaller objects at the top. You’ll quickly run out of space if you start with small and fragile items on lower levels.

6.      Use pallets

Pallets are significantly more robust, both in practicality and strength, than conventional containers. Not only can you stack larger objects on them—without breaking them—but since they’re raised off the ground, you can also prevent dragging or heavy lifting. This also prevents your items from coming into contact with dirt, water or other objects on the ground.

But that’s not even the best part!

You can use pallets to transport items as is—wrap them up, fasten to the pallet and prevent unnecessary loading and unloading. And above all, pallets can be reused and recycled.

7.      Hang items

Make the most out of your storage space’s height. S hooks and bungee cords are perfect for oddly shaped goods, bikes, and outdoor gear. Make sure there is enough space to hang things while also having access to anything beneath it. You can hang clothes, pots, pans, and even bikes from the ceiling. S hooks rely on a rafter or a pole for support. Additionally, pegboards can be used to hang other small items.

8.      Place frequently used items in front

Try placing items of everyday use or the ones that are used frequently at the front. Place them near the door in an easily accessible location. It will spare you the hassle of sifting through boxes every time you visit the storage unit. It may include items such as seasonal clothing, hats, boots, swimsuits, and other similar things.

Bottom Line

There’s no denying that storage spaces offer respite to people who move from home to home frequently. Additionally, with prices of real estate soaring, people can only afford small houses and apartments, with little to no room for storage in the living space, creating a huge demand for rental storage units.

While you can use several hacks and strategies to maximize the use of a storage unit, it’s just as imperative to keep it clean. If there’s dirt or water buildup, not only will it affect your items’ value, you may also have to incur the costs of storage’s depleting structural integrity or visual appeal. Just follow our recommendations and make sure to factor in every aspect when renting a storage facility.