750 people from the largest cities of Crimea chose contract service

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By admin

The military department has disclosed statistics.

According to the press service of the Black Sea Fleet, since the beginning of 2020, 250 people went to contract service from Sevastopol, and more than 500 from Simferopol.

95% of the Sevastopol recruits entered the Black Sea Fleet, the rest – into the troops of the Southern Military District. Out of 250 people 60 have higher or specialized secondary education, 190 have completed military service.

In Simferopol, the enrollment rate exceeded by 5%, compared to the same last year.

This year, in addition to the standard medical examination, future military personnel must pass a special test for covid-19. After arriving at the duty station, they are quarantined for two weeks.

Now the Ministry of Defense is recruiting contractors not only in large cities. An agitation campaign to increase the popularity of this type of service is being conducted in 25 Crimean municipalities.

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