75-year-old man attacked after asking to respect distancing

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DAYTONA BEACH, Florida | A 75-year-old man was violently attacked after asking a woman to respect distancing measures at a grocery store in Daytona, Fla.

The man was paying for his groceries on Sunday when he asked the customer behind him to back up behind the line to respect physical distancing. The woman complied, according to CNN.

After paying, the victim went to his car. As she was putting her groceries in her trunk, a man in his thirties walked over and hit her on the head.

The elder was thrown to the ground and hit his head on the asphalt. His assailant stood over him and threatened to kill him if he said a word.

The suspect then fled by car. In the vehicle was also the woman whom the victim had asked to follow the rules.

On Tuesday, police said the suspect and the woman had come forward and were cooperating with the investigation.

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