7 Foods that destroy Bone Density

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A variety of things influence your bone density, but the most essential are your eating and activity habits. If you don’t receive enough calcium, vitamin D, or other nutrients, your bones can grow brittle over time. This is what causes osteoporosis, a disorder in which bones grow brittle and readily break. According to the World Health Organisation, osteoporosis affects more than 200 million individuals globally (WHO).

Some of the worst meals you can eat for your bones are:

  • carbonated beverages
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • foods which have been processed
  • Caffeine
  • soy
  • high salt consumption

Sodium-rich foods

You lose more calcium if you eat a lot of salty foods. “Excess calcium excretion through the kidneys is known to be caused by salt. If you have other diseases like high blood pressure, you may need to reduce salt even more for optimal bone health, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Snacks with a lot of sugar

It’s crucial to remind yourself not to overindulge in sugar, particularly if you have a sweet taste.

While there is no proof that sugar has a harmful effect on bones, it is possible that people consume too much added sugar and that this harms their bones.

While there is no proven link between sugar and its negative effect on bones, harm to bones may be caused when people consume too much added sugar and don’t get enough of the nutrient-rich food they require.   Satisfy your sweet taste with prunes, cranberries, and other fruits high in antioxidants, which are beneficial nutrients that help maintain bone health.


If you consume a lot of soda, it may have a harmful impact on your bone health. Drinking seven or more colas per week is linked to a decrease in bone mineral density and a higher risk of fracture, “The mechanism is unknown,

Despite not knowing why, a study of 73,000 postmenopausal women who drank soda revealed that they had a higher risk of hip fracture, regardless of whether the soda was regular or diet, cola or non-cola, caffeinated or caffeine-free.


Before you go caffeine-crazy, think twice. Caffeine use was linked to reduced bone density in postmenopausal women, Caffeine depletes the strength of bones by removing calcium. In fact, for every 100 milligrammes of caffeine consumed, approximately 6 milligrammes of calcium is lost.

According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in January 2016, when caffeine is mixed with sugary foods, it can have a stronger impact on postmenopausal women’s bone health.

To follow an osteoporosis-prevention diet, consume decaf coffees and teas and restrict sweet meals, particularly those containing caffeine, such as chocolate.


Do you need another excuse to cut back on the booze? “Low bone mass, poor bone production, an increased risk of fractures, and delayed fracture healing have all been linked to chronic and excessive alcohol intake. It can also happen at a younger age than you might believe. According to a study published in BMJ Open in October 2015, healthy women aged 19 to 30 who drank heavily had poorer bone density scores than those who didn’t.

Consume alcohol in moderation for good bone health. Try to limit your alcohol consumption to no more than 2 to 3 glasses each day, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation.

Drinking a lot of alcohol can sometimes lead to Erectile Dysfunction in men. However, Cure is available for this problem in the form of medications. Some of the most commonly prescribed medicines by doctors are: Cenforce 100 mg | Vidalista 60 | Malegra 100


Beans make it difficult for your body to absorb levels of calcium. Phytates are present in abundance in pinto beans, navy beans, and peas. Phytates present in beans can obstruct the body’s ability to absorb calcium, you don’t have to avoid beans entirely because they’re high in magnesium, fibre, and other nutrients, making them helpful for osteoporosis prevention (and overall health). Simply, soak the beans in water for a few hours before cooking them in fresh water to lower the phytate content.

Foods that cause inflammation

Nightshade vegetables including tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, white potatoes, and eggplant might induce bone inflammation and osteoporosis

These vegetables, on the other hand, include vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your health.

Swiss chard and raw spinach

Raw spinach and Swiss chard have calcium, which is good for your bones, but they also include oxalates, which can tie up that calcium and make it unavailable to the body.

balancing the various health benefits of these veggies (while also helping to prevent osteoporosis) by eating meals that contain calcium that is easily absorbed by the body. If you eat spinach, the oxalates will block you from getting the calcium from the spinach but if you put cheese on top of it, you can absorb calcium from the cheese.”

Red Meat

If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, it’s better to restrict red meat to twice a week and keep quantities small — 4 to 6 ounces If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis. Cutting back on red and processed meats, as well as soft drinks, fried foods, sweets and desserts, and refined grains, had a good impact on bone health

What is the best diet for osteoporosis prevention? According to the study, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, fish and poultry, nuts, and legumes.

Seek medical advice.

If you have concerns about your bone density, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. A doctor can assist you in determining the source of the problem and prescribing the proper remedy.

Early detection and treatment are often critical in preventing future bone loss.

Make sure you’re getting plenty of calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese, yoghourt, or broccoli, as well as vitamin D-rich foods like eggs, potassium-rich veggies like sweet potatoes, lima beans, or spinach, protein from meats and legumes, and soy products that contain isoflavones that aid in bone strength.