5 Tips To Kick Off Your Bedroom Renovation

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By admin

Your bedroom should be a place where you can fully relax and start a fresh new day. If that’s not the case anymore or if your bedroom is just outdated, you’re certainly up for a renovation. Before you start though, there’s a bit more to a renovation than coming up with layout and design ideas. You’ll also have to consider if you’re doing it all on your own or taking on contractors. Even if you plan on doing the renovation by yourself, you will hit a wall at some point. Keep in mind, it’s always OK to look for professional service.

1.  Set yourself a budget first

It may look like your bedroom renovation would be a walk in the park at first. We tend to think about the final steps, such as adding new paint. Paint doesn’t cost that much and the new curtains won’t break your bank either. Although it certainly depends on what brand and quality you’re going for. Will you update your furniture? You most likely will and probably only keep one part of your old bedroom. But what are you going to do about your old furniture? Could you sell it or is it in better hands with junk removal? And what about the floor?

The point is, before we consider the finishing touches, such as new paint and maybe some new furniture, we need to think about the first steps, too. One thing is for certain, no matter if you do get a lot of new furniture or not: you’ll have to clear that room anyway. Depending on what you plan with your bedroom, you may inevitably have to take advantage of contractors. If you don’t have much time, you’ll need them anyway.

2.  Come up with design ideas

At present, as your bedroom is still furnished, you may have a hard time imagining what to do with it. The only thing on your mind might be colours and some furniture. But those ideas might not work out as well in reality.

Take a blank sheet of paper and scribble some layout ideas. Just take some measurements of your bedroom and put down the floorplan. On a blank sheet of paper, you’ll turn your bedroom into a blank canvas with dozens of opportunities. Take another sheet of paper and cut out some pieces that have the measurements of a bed and other furniture you might want to have. It’s important to stick to ratios here or your end result may turn out to be a case for junk removal. Don’t plan too little space beside your bed and try to keep a good amount of space between furniture and your door. You’ll appreciate having the space to move around in your bedroom conveniently.

Once you find a new layout, you can start to think about what you’d like your bedroom to turn into at best. Do you keep the carpet or are you going to replace it with a laminate or hardwood floor? Which colours would you prefer for your bedroom in general? Just as a small hint: don’t go for too bright colours such as bright red or bright yellow. Colours affect our mood and should be chosen carefully for each room. Red can make you aggressive and raise your blood pressure, which won’t be helpful when you’d like to sleep. Yellow can heighten your mood, but also make you feel more awake. You can choose dark colours to give your room a cozy cave-like feeling or pastel colours for accents.

3.  Clear the space

After your layout and design is all set and done, you can move on to the next step. This means you’ll have to clear the room. It may look like a huge task at first, but it’s usually easier than sorting out your kitchen, living room or office. Most people don’t have as much stuff in their bedroom. The majority of your focus will probably be in your closet and chest of drawers for junk removal.

Take care of your nightstand first. The nightstand is easy to clutter with a bunch of books we intend to read before sleeping. Only do we end up stacking more books we never get around to reading. Or that’s where we leave magazines and forget about them. Drawers in nightstands tend to be utter clutter drawers with all sorts of nicknacks. Take a bin bag and pull out what you don’t use any longer for junk removal.

4.  Do you store anything under your bed?

It’s certainly the perfect place to store clothes that are out of season. Or shoes. Or bedlinen. Don’t just pull out those boxes and put them into another room for temporary storage. Check each storage box for stuff you may no longer require. Take three boxes of which one is for sale items, one for donations and one for junk removal. Any item you haven’t used in at least a year you’re unlikely to use again.

Continue to your closet. Pull all of your clothes out and declutter them like your storage items under the bed. Too often we buy clothes for that one event but never wear them again. Categorize your clothes into three boxes as well. Afterwards, you go ahead with your chest of drawers.

5.  Have you removed all the clutter?

Then it’s time for your furniture to leave the place. If you’re updating them, save yourself the trouble and get a junk removal team to help. They can haul out any items from where they currently are and help you clean up the aftermath.

Parting Words

Removing the carpet or laminate isn’t as tricky as you think. As long as you don’t have a radiant floor system or cables running underneath your old floor, there’s little to look after to avoid damage. Carpet removal does require some strength though and creates a lot of junk.

To get on with your renovation asap, you can ask a junk removal service to take it out. You’ll have to call them anyway to collect the old remains. It’d save you a lot of time and you can let them do it while you’re at work. Once you’re back home, the junk removal team will have cleared your bedroom for the next step.