4 Eco-friendly Toilets You Can Buy Right Now

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By admin

Eco-friendly toilets are becoming top priorities in numerous homes. It’s because they provide easy and immediate ways to save water. It is true, especially in regions that have been stricken by drought and water shortages so severe that it has led to rationing. At the very least, utilizing an eco-friendly toilet will help mitigate your water bill, but more importantly, it will help conserve natural resources. Toto Washlet designs with state-of-the-art systems help you save the environment by mitigating the need to utilize toilet paper sourced from trees.


A majority of old toilets which are still commonly used, waste water by as much as 6 gallons of H2O in each flush. However, there is a better alternative. If the average person utilizes a toilet 5 times per day and lives with 3 other individuals, that household could be putting as much as 100 gallons of water down the drain per day. It is only water used for the toilet. However, low-flow toilets provide comparable flushing services, but they are often 1.6 gallons per flush. Because of this, the same individuals flushing 5 times a day will only use up to 32 gallons daily. It is a significant reduction indeed.


Dual-flush toilets utilize technology a step further such as in Toto Washlet. They provide either a lever on the side of the toilet or a pushbutton system on the top tank, which allows the user to make a selection. Either push one button for flushing liquids which will only utilize .8 gallons of water, while the other one for solids uses 1.6 gallons.

Water Sense program

The water sense program has similar functions to the Energy Star. It develops efficiency standards to inspire manufacturers to come up with better-performing products. Manufacturers that are able to meet those standards can earn the right to utilize the logo on their products to help market their eco-friendly products to consumers.

When it comes to toilets, the label indicates that the toilet has a 20% capacity for efficiency than typical 1.6-gallon toilets. Meaning the toilet will only utilize 1.28 gallons of water in each flush.

The EPA has estimated that the typical family can mitigate water use from toilets by as much as 60%. It will amount to almost 13,000 gallons of water savings for each home annually. It will reduce your water bill by as much as $100 per year and $2000 over the toilet’s lifetime.

Toilets utilizing lid converted to a sink and faucet

If you don’t have a sufficient area for a sink in your bathroom or you want to save even more gallons of water. You can replace your present toilet with a lid design and faucet and sink combination. The retrofit engineering redirects clean water from the water supply and into the faucet. Once you flush, clean water comes out of the faucet and drains into the sink underneath. Next up the sink, water is drained into the toilet that would otherwise refill the bowl after flushing the toilet.

Compared to previous years, there are now numerous designs and state-of-the-art engineered toilets that will help you save on water and energy costs. These toilets do provide not only aesthetic looks but also style and comfortable use. It is critical to be current with eco-friendly efforts in the world to help save the planet. Toilets are considered necessary but rather wasteful use of water which is more reason to invest in an eco-friendly model.