4 Crucial Things Every Art Collectors Must Remember When Buying Artwork

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As art enthusiasts, many instances of choosing an artwork can seem intimidating. Visiting galleries or joining auction events have their degree of complexity, especially if you plan to purchase an artwork.

For those who are not that well-versed in how dealings are made in the world of art, purchasing a piece of artwork can be very daunting.

Simply put, buying artwork, either online or in-person, is very similar to regular shopping. However, there are important points you need to take into account when you are planning to purchase the artwork. Just like buying clothes, or things you love, you need to dig deeper by doing research and apply several considerations.

To help you, let us decipher the complex nature of buying artwork by learning these essential tips.

1. Learn Art Whom You Are Purchasing From

First and foremost, you need to learn who is the artist behind the artwork you love to purchase. Most of the time, the dealers are the ones that you typically talk to when you start asking questions about the artwork and not the artist. It would be best to ask these dealers to arrange an audience with the artist to learn more about the latter’s background.

Also, it would help you determine how much the artist gets from the profit of selling his or her original art. Doing this also helps you identify the legitimacy of the artwork you are trying to purchase. However, it is best advised to purchase the artwork directly from the artist and not from a dealer. The artist prefers this way as it provides them with direct interaction with their enthusiasts.

2. Get to Know the Artist

A piece of art has its beauty and interpretation. Its value and meaning go deeper if you read through the biography or resume of the artist. Thus, before buying an artwork that caught your attention, it would be best to research the artist of that masterpiece. Whether the original art is a canvas on oil or a sculpture, you must check the artist’s profile. By doing this, you can further appreciate the artwork by knowing the artist. Also, it will help you discover more of his or her artwork which might also get your liking.

3. Request for A Certificate of Authenticity – Art

If the artwork has little to know the artist’s signature, you must request a certificate of authenticity from the dealer. However, if you purchase the artwork directly from the artist, this tip is no longer useful. If it is a painting, do not entirely rely on the artist’s signature on the canvas’s corner. Always demand documentation that proves its authenticity from the dealer.

4. Do Not Rely Entirely on the Price

You might have noticed, but many artworks and pieces out there are sold for millions of dollars. But the artwork lacks creativity and other aspects, which makes it a wonderful piece of art. Often, even some well-known artists create pieces that do not entirely translate into art.

Although there are different interpretations of art, there is something on it that does not make it artful. To not waste your money, it would be best to search for wonderful original art from well-known artists and aspiring artists out there. Most of the time, these aspiring artists pour more dedication, beauty and passion into their work to get recognized.

Most importantly, their artwork does not cost you a fortune.

Purchasing artwork is an investment; it is more than just the decoration that serves as the focal point of the place where you are putting it. With that in mind, you must always refer to this guide to purchase artwork that gives the best value for your money.