23 people become victims of train disaster in Egypt

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By admin

The death toll when a train derailed in Egypt on April 18 was 23, with another 139 injured. Such data was presented by the country’s Prosecutor General’s Office on Monday, April 20, reports Egypt Today.

Several carriages of the train derailed while traveling in the Benha area in Qalyubia province, according to the supervisory agency.

It is noted that the adviser to the Attorney General ordered the arrest of 23 people suspected of involvement in the railway accident. They are accused of negligence, as well as misuse of public funds and forgery of official documents.

The train crash occurred on Sunday, April 18th, near Tuh station near Benha town. It was established that a passenger train was traveling from Al-Mansur to Cairo at a speed of about 120 km / h at a speed permitted on the section of 30 km / h. As a result, four cars overturned.