Petrosyan’s wife denied rumors of surrogacy

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The wife of the Russian comedian Yevgeny Petrosyan, Tatyana Brukhunova, denied rumors that their child was carried by a surrogate mother.

According to her, she carefully concealed her pregnancy, as she believes that during this period of her life a woman and her family “should be in silence, and not advertise this situation.”

At the same time, netizens accused Brukhunova of insincerity towards her husband and the desire to take possession of his fortune, for which the woman gave birth to a child. The artist’s wife responded sharply to such statements.

“Well, give birth from locksmiths. What have I got to do with it ?! ” – quoted by Starhit on Friday 18 September.

Answering a question about why the couple decided to tell the truth about their family, Brukhunova said that she was tired of “rumors”. However, she is not going to give any details of her personal life in her posts on social networks.

Petrosyan posted a photo with his son on September 16 on Instagram with the caption: “And here he is – Vagan Evgenievich Petrosyan!”

Lawyer Sergei Zhorin, commenting on the act of the humorist, called it correct and was glad for the spouses.

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