Zyuganov proposed to introduce a tax for the “suspiciously rich”

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The tax on “suspiciously rich” Russians must be introduced in Russia, said the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov.

“I propose to begin with introducing an increased tax on the” suspiciously rich “and really checking officials for the correspondence of their expenses to income!” – wrote the politician on his Twitter page. So he appreciated the initiative of the Ministry of Labor to limit the receipt of child benefits to families who, according to documents, earn little, but in fact own several houses, apartments, cars and savings.

As Gazeta.ru adds, the Russian authorities must, simultaneously with the introduction of the new tax, ratify Article 20 of the UN Convention against Corruption, Zyuganov said. This document requires that the income and expenses of officials be matched.

The Ministry of Labor believes that a number of Russian families are hiding their actual income from the authorities, without having official salaries.

At present, in order to receive assistance from the state, family income must be below the regional poverty line. Because of this, the recipients of payments are formally unemployed people with high “gray” incomes.

The day before, the Ministry of Labor announced that the amount of “children’s” payments is planned to be increased by 50-100% of the subsistence level in the subject of the child’s residence, if the basic amount of payments does not allow the family to cross the poverty line. The task of updating the rules is to ensure maximum targeting of payments, as well as to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the needs. At the same time, a simple way of receiving payments should be preserved.