Yandex.Taxi spoke about the revenue of partner taxi drivers

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Taxi drivers cooperating with the Yandex.Taxi platform earned 104 billion rubles in the first quarter of this year, which is equal to a third of their total earnings in 2020. Izvestia was informed about this by the company on Wednesday, April 28.

At the moment, the platform charges an effective commission below 10%. According to Daniil Shuleiko, the head of the Yandex business group for ridetech and ecom, the service returns a significant part of its commission to drivers in the form of remuneration and will continue to work in this direction.

The company assumes that in 2021 the income of taxi drivers and taxi companies will increase, including due to the distribution of its technologies among service partners. It is about order allocation, demand forecasting, optimal routing, as well as new transportation opportunities such as order delivery.

On April 16, Yandex.Taxi told Izvestia that in 2020 the drivers – partners of the service earned 300 billion rubles on orders. The amount exceeds the revenue a year earlier – in 2019, service partners earned 260 billion rubles.

In addition, the company also noted that they provide financial assistance to drivers if they fall ill with coronavirus or go into quarantine after contact with sick people. Since March 2020, more than 4 thousand drivers have turned to Yandex for help and received it.