Wilfand spoke about the “Pushkin” weather in Moscow next week

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Residents of Moscow next week expect the weather described by the poet Alexander Pushkin in the poem “Winter Morning”. The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, told TASS about this.

“From Monday the weather will be wonderful and frosty. It would be appropriate to recall Pushkin: “Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry, the haze was hovering in the cloudy sky. But now … look out the window: under the blue skies of magnificent carpets, glistening in the sun, the snow lies. ” This is how it will be on Monday, ”the scientist said, citing the lines of the poem.

According to the meteorologist, the ridge of high atmospheric pressure will cause sunny weather in the capital from February 15. No significant precipitation is predicted during this period.

Earlier, Wilfand said that Saturday, February 13, was the second snowiest day in the entire 142-year history of meteorological observations in Moscow. According to him, the height of snowdrifts in the capital reached 58-59 cm. Before setting a new record, the height of the snow cover was only 2-3 cm short.