There are many frameworks that can be used for PHP in order to provide the best project to the customer. But Laravel can be regarded as the most useful one. Many PHP development companies are there that prefer using Laravel. However, it can be a difficult task to choose the perfect framework as there are many options available.
Some criteria are there for choosing the best framework for the project and the criteria are development cost, framework’s popularity, and experience with it. Other factors are also there which include the integration of third-party, testing, deployment, and many more. Laravel has become popular when compared with other frameworks for PHP. There are almost 45000 stars for Laravel on GitHub.
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What is Laravel?
Before you know why people choose Laravel you must know what is Laravel. It is basically a PHP framework that is open-source. The maintaining part takes place by Taylor Otwell. The pattern of architecture is generally based on Symfony. After the release of version 3, the Laravel framework gained popularity. The reason for gaining popularity is because of inclusions of certain features that are interface known as Artisan, support for database migration and system, Command-Line. A packaging system known as bundles was also introduced.
The first version which was stable was released in the year 2011 and in the month of June. Many Custom web design company use this framework after the release of version 3. Now the current stable version which is being used is version 5.7 and it got released in September in the year 2018.
Why Choose Laravel for PHP Development?
There are many reasons to hire Laravel developer as the main framework for PHP development services and the reasons are given below-
Object-oriented Approach with MVC Support
The best advantage, as well as the first advantage of using Laravel, is that it follows the three steps architecture pattern that is model, view, and controller-based. The beautiful syntax that the Laravel is having makes it object-oriented.
In-built Authorization as well as Authentication
In the case of the Laravel, the configuration for the authorization system as well as authentication is provided out of the box which makes it the favorite for many developers. This feature enables the developer to give a few artisan commands and make your application with secured authorization and authentication.
Packaging System
The packaging system is having various software supports as well as libraries which helps in automating the process of developing web applications. As a dependency manager, a composer is used by Laravel that helps in managing all the information required to manage packages.
Multiple File System
An in-built cloud storage system is also there like the Rack Space cloud storage, Amazon S3. The API is the same for each and every system here and so it is very easy to switch between these systems. In the case of a distributed system, it is essential to serve files from various locations and so Laravel is so amazing that it allows having all the three systems in a single application
Artisan Console
Own command-line interface is there for Laravel which is known as the Artisan. Some of the features of Arisen are managing the database migration, publishing package assets, and generating the code which is bipolar in nature for migration, models, and controllers. This feature helps the developer to get them free from developing the skeleton’s proper code. With the help of the implementation of new custom command, one can easily extend Artisan’s capabilities and functionalities. Hire PHP developers who have all the basic skills and knowledge about this.
Templating Engine
The blade template engine is the in-built template engine for Laravel. With the help of the blade template engine, one or more data models can be combined for producing resulting views. A set of own control structures is also provided by the Bladelike conditional loops and statements which are mapped internally to the counterparts of PHP.
Task Scheduling
In version 5.0 of Laravel, the scheduler was introduced. It can be considered as an additional feature to the Artisan command line that helps in the programmatic scheduling of tasks that are periodically executed. In order to run a single job of Artisan, Scheduler depends on the cron daemon for running.
Eloquent ORM
ORM is said to be the in-built implementation of ORM for Laravel. It can be said that the best Object Relational Mapper is present in Laravel when compared to other frameworks. The ORM plays an important role in helping you to establish interaction with database relationships and database objects with the help of using expressive syntax.
Event and Broadcasting
A concept is there for Laravel which is known as broadcasting. This is very useful in modern web apps for implementing real-time data as well as showing live feeds. The broadcasting helps you in sharing the same name as the event between the client-side and server-side. This sharing helps in pulling the real-time data from the application.
Testing is a very important factor and when it comes to testing, a unit test for the application is provided by Laravel. This contains a test for detecting and preventing regressions that are there in the framework. The PHP integration unit that includes the testing framework is very easy in nature. Moreover, the unit tests can be run with the help of the command-line utility of the Artisan.
Some official packages are also there for Laravel like Socialite, Cashier, Horizon, Passport, and scout which makes this the best framework for custom php development. Full-stack development services help in providing the perfect PHP developer for your project.
In the case of every type of web application all the out-of-the-box features make the job of the developers easy and help them in saving time for your project. The official packages which are there in Laravel can be considered as a cherry on the top of the cake.