Whether or not to send children to school

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By admin

The number of US parents who would like to send their children back to school for full-time full-time education this fall has plummeted in recent weeks.

According to a new Gallup poll, only 36% of more than 1,000 parents were in favor of their children returning to full-time schooling, down 20% from similar polls in late May and early June. Another 36% prefer a combination of full-time and distance learning, and 28% want the study to be carried out only remotely. The survey also found that nearly two-thirds of parents are either very worried (27%) or somewhat worried (37%) that their children may contract COVID-19 at school. Among the “very worried”, 47% are Democrats and only 9% of Republican parents. And among those parents who want their children to return to full-time education, on the contrary, there are more Republicans (68%) than Democrats (13%).

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