What You Need to Know About Directional Drilling

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Definition of Directional Drilling

Private and government-owned oil companies that do the work of oil extraction use the technique of directional drilling to take out the oil that lies in underground reserves. 

This type of drilling is also known as directional boring.

What happens most of the time is that the wells of oil are vertically drilled from the surface to to reach the well underneath.

Understanding What Directional Drilling Is?

If we look at the history of this type of drilling, we will find out that it has been in use since the 1920s. This technique has since been used very much for the extraction of oil and gas.

In the very beginning years when this drilling technique was being used, the basic kind of equipment was being used to vertically drill the wells.

Moreso, the drilling process was done in at an angle that was not vertical – it basically used to be non-vertical.

However, if we look at today’s advanced drilling techniques, we see that these techniques are much more refined. And this level of advancement was achieved by using drill bits that can bend properly to accommodate non-vertical angles.

Moreso, the usage of shock systems like hydraulic jets used to guide the direction of drill have played a huge role in improving the efficiency of the drilling procedure.

Computerized Operations

These days, the personnel operating the drills at the sight use computerized systems to adjust the angles of drills in real-time.

Moreso, these experts use GPS signals to pinpoint the exact location of fields that have oil and gas underneath. This is made possible by using high-tech software programs that enable the users to make 3D models.

All the technological advancements in the drilling process have helped make things easy so engineers can spend more time sitting on banquet chairs planning and strategizing the aspects surrounding the extraction of oil and gas.

Advantages of Directional Drilling

The number one benefit of this type of drilling is that it makes sure the disturbance due to soil is reduced.

The second big advantage is that the procedure of oil extraction is less disruptive to nearby residents and other stakeholders close to the field.

The third big benefit is in the form of reduced fractures to existing rock formations.

The fourth important benefit is the reduced contamination of groundwater pollution – thereby protecting the ecosystem and other areas adjacent to the drilling field.

The fifth benefit but not the least is that this advanced drilling contributes to site safety while reducing the risk of gas ruptures.

The Not So Good About Directional Drilling

  • Directional drilling can potentially make the operating wells more and more complex
  • This type of drilling uses equipment, like other types of construction equipment – which adds to damaging the existing. There are techniques used to minimize the bad impact, however, the damage is still done to the ground in one way or the other.