On this Monday in Russia, the memory of the Slavic hero Evpatiy Kolovrat, as well as the Orthodox martyr Archdeacon Evplus, is honored.
history of the holiday
The Martyr Euplus lived during the reign of the emperor Diocletian and Maximian. The archdeacon always carried the Gospel with him and fearlessly preached Christianity. For this they threw him into prison, and for seven days the saint prayed tirelessly.
Then, right in captivity, a source of water was opened to him to quench his thirst. Euplus, who did not deviate from the faith, was severely tortured and subsequently beheaded with a sword.
According to the popular calendar, August 24 is considered the day of Evpatiy Kolovrat – an epic hero who defended his native land from the Mongols. Together with the squad, Evpatiy attacked the enemy in the Suzdal lands, but Batu was stronger.
Nevertheless, the Mongolian commander appreciated the bravery of the hero, so he released the other soldiers and allowed them to take the body of Kolovrat.
Do’s and don’ts on August 24
The night of August 24 in Russia was considered terrible. People believed that this was the time of the height of demonic festivities, when hostile spirits of the dead walk the streets. To appease them, after midnight they left a heated bath or remnants and some water.
It was strictly forbidden to drink on this day: the deceased relatives will definitely come to a drunk person and scold, the ancestors said.
It is forbidden to walk in swampy areas – on this day, the passage between the worlds is open, they said in Russia, so the swamp can drag a living person.