What Kind Of Lawyer Do I Need? Here Are 18 Types And What To Expect.

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By Freya

There’s a chance that something dreadful may happen or already has. You should ask yourself, “What type of lawyer do I need?” 

Hiring an attorney who will advocate on your behalf is important if you ever need legal representation. Unfortunately, you often can only hire a lawyer to represent you. 

According to research, before hiring a lawyer, most customers (66%) choose online payment options, while a similar percentage (61%) prefer automated payment options, and 61% prefer mobile app payment options. Seek the assistance of a lawyer who specialises in the field of law in which your case falls for the best possible outcome. What to expect from some of the most prevalent kinds of lawyers is outlined below.

1- Business Lawyers

These lawyers can assist with corporate formation and dissolution. They can also advise on numerous legal matters and assist with company contracts.

It is possible for attorneys specialising in business law to handle disputes involving:

  • Tips on Taxes
  • Money for Running a Business
  • Policy governing the banking sector,
  • Buying and selling companies
  • Discussion and writing of legal agreements
  • Bankruptcy

2- Criminal Lawyers

Those who have been charged (or accused) of committing a crime are the clients of criminal lawyers. Since the government at any level—local, state, or federal—is responsible for prosecuting criminal cases, private attorneys who take on criminal cases invariably represent defendants.

Criminal attorneys can handle cases that involve the following:

  • Charges of assault as well as battery
  • Charges for weapons,
  • Accusations of assault within the home,
  • Murder accusations,
  • situations involving DUI and DWI,
  • Citations for traffic violations
  • Expungement (sealing records)


3- Real Estate Lawyers

Attorneys who focus their practices on real estate law are likely to be involved in transactions involving purchasing, selling, or leasing real estate property, such as homes or companies. They do occasionally participate in litigation, but most of their time is typically spent on preparing contracts.

Legal issues that real estate lawyers deal with include:

  • Purchasing and selling of real estate,
  • Forming opinions regarding titles
  • Dealing in the purchase and sale of commercial real estate,
  • Foreclosure
  • Landlord/tenant concerns,
  • Covenants relating to land use,
  • Owners’ Associations of Homes

4- Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal injury attorneys handle a diverse array of situations throughout the course of their careers. When someone is hurt as a result of the actions or inactions of another individual, it is highly recommended that they seek the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney.

Personal injury attorneys typically take on lawsuits involving the following types of incidents:

  • Car crashes,
  • Accidents involving trucks,
  • Cases involving trips and falls
  • Dog bites,
  • Compensation for injured workers,
  • Medical malpractice,
  • Premises liability,
  • Accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists
  • Responsibility for products

5- Employment And Labor Law Lawyers

These legal professionals handle anything that concerns a conflict between an employer and an employee in the workplace. In most instances, the employee’s constitutional rights will be at stake, and the insurance company representing the business may also be involved. Cases involving workers’ compensation are sometimes included under this overarching litigation category.

Those who specialise in employment law are typically responsible for the following categories of legal disputes:

  • Contract conflicts or development,
  • The unjustified ending of employment,
  • Sexual harassment issues,
  • Assistance for those without jobs,
  • Overtime pay,
  • Discrimination issues (hiring and termination),
  • Problems in firing and laying off employees.

6- Litigation Lawyers

Within these subfields, certain attorneys will focus their Practice on transactional work, and others will concentrate on litigation. Transactional attorneys can draft contracts, wills, and other agreements. When necessary, litigation attorneys will physically appear to argue their clients’ cases before a judge or jury.

A large majority of attorneys will choose to focus their Practice on either of these areas, while some will do both. Both consumer protection lawyers and criminal defence lawyers are expected to be skilled negotiators.

7- Estate Planning Lawyers

Estate planning attorneys draught legal documents such as wills and trusts. They will assist with matters pertaining to inheritance when a person has passed away.

In general, attorneys who specialise in estate planning will assist with the following:


  • Will disputes
  • Determining will or trust validity.
  • Creating trust and will is an important step.
  • Probate issues
  • Administering an estate



A family law attorney could be needed for everything that has to do with the family. This particular subfield of the law frequently overlaps with other subfields of the law as well.

Issues that may be brought before attorneys specialising in family law include:

  • Control of the children
  • Separation or divorce by formal decree
  • Adoptions
  • Guardianships
  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Child maintenance and alimony (or spousal support)

9- Traffic Lawyer

It is common to practise classifying traffic attorneys as a subset of criminal defence attorneys; however, there is a significant difference between being accused of murder and being accused of running a red light, and different factors must be taken into account when developing a defence strategy for either charge. 


  • If you have been caught speeding, driving on a suspended licence, or have been penalised for any other traffic infringement, you will want to hunt for a traffic lawyer to represent you in court. 


  • Infractions involving driving, such as driving under the influence of alcohol, require the specific knowledge of a capable traffic attorney.

10- Car Accident Lawyer

Even a minor vehicle collision, also known as a “fender bender,” can be a stressful experience for those involved. There are many things going on behind the scenes that are working to prevent you from getting an insurance claim. Because insurance companies hate having to shell out money, you should expect them to put up a fight at every turn.


  • A car accident attorney who specialises in cases involving motor vehicle collisions can assist you in establishing that you were not at fault for the incident that resulted in the damages to your vehicle and in obtaining financial compensation for those damages.


  • A car accident lawyer may also be subdivided into the category of a car accident lawyer. [Cause and effect] They are able to ensure that you obtain compensation for any injuries that were caused by the accident, as well as compensation for the pain and adversity that you endured as a result of the accident.

11- Child Support Lawyers

Whether a couple has just separated or one of them is a deadbeat parent who refuses to live up to their responsibilities, the issue of child support can be challenging. It has the potential to stir up sensitive emotions, and former partners are usually the least effective negotiators. A child support attorney is a member of the Family Law subspecialty who concentrates on representing clients in child support disputes. 


  • They will help you with the necessary paperwork and methods to receive money to help support your child, and they will do this for you.
  • Not only can they assist you in obtaining child support, but they can also assist you in determining the amount of child support that the judge will award you and ensure that you continue to get the child support.


  • A child support attorney can help ensure that you are not overpaying for child support if you are on the opposite side of the custody dispute but have shared custody of your child. This is because you already provide for your child when they are with you.

12- Disability Lawyers

Applying for disability benefits due to a physical or mental impairment is time-consuming and challenging. Even after making all of those efforts, there is still a slim possibility that a judge may find you disabled. You can handle it independently, but if you want to give yourself the best possible shot, you should consult with a disability attorney.


  • They are able to assist you throughout the entirety of the process. If your request is turned down, they have the ability to appeal the decision on your behalf. 


  • In addition, they have previous expertise working with the Social Security Administration. 


  • They are familiar with the requirements necessary to qualify for disability compensation.


13- Divorce Lawyers

Divorces are unpleasant experiences, and anyone going through one is likely to be an emotional mess. When going through a divorce, these feelings might get in the way of being logical and maintaining harmony.


  • The role of mediator in your divorce case will be played by a lawyer specialising in family law who also handles divorce cases. 


  • They are also there to ensure that the two of you divide your property in the way that is appropriate for each situation. 


  • If they believe you are entitled to alimony, they will ensure you get it.

14- Medica Malpractice Lawyers

When a medical professional causes you or a loved one to sustain an injury or die due to their negligence, this is referred to as medical malpractice. In order to successfully sue a medical professional for medical malpractice, it is necessary to demonstrate that your current injury or disease would not have occurred if it weren’t for the conduct that the defendant took.


  • A lawyer specialising in medical malpractice will assist you in gathering evidence for your case and communicating with other medical specialists to understand better what took place. 


  • They represent you in court and fight for the financial compensation you are entitled to due to the misery caused by the problems.
Law, Legal advice, Legislation concept. Lady justice on law book with lawyer and client in law office.

15- Wrongful Termination Lawyers

If you were fired from your work in error, a wrongful termination attorney could assist you in filing a claim for financial compensation. This type of Lawyer can help you out in a variety of legal situations, including those involving discrimination and breaches of contract.


As an employee, you are entitled to certain protections, and a wrongful termination attorney has the expertise to ensure that these rights are upheld while also ensuring that justice is done.

16- Patent Lawyers

A patent grants you the complete right to control and profit from your innovation or idea. This ensures that someone else does not claim credit for anything you have done or profit from something you have made. It eliminates the possibility of anyone else making money off of your innovation. You will need the assistance of a patent lawyer to get through the patent process. 


  • They thoroughly understand the documentation required to obtain a patent and its intricacies.


  • Suppose someone tries to steal your idea or creation. In that case, a patent lawyer will support you in legal actions to prevent this individual from continuing their illegal behaviour and end the theft attempts.

17- Immigration Lawyer

Immigration law covers everything from applying for citizenship to participating in deportation proceedings, from the legality of working in California if one is not a citizen to the question of whether or not one can marry a citizen or a non-citizen. 

You will need the assistance of an immigration lawyer in order to navigate the legal process and prerequisites for immigration.

18- General Practice

The scope of work that a general practice lawyer can take on is broad. Even though they do not specialise in a particular sector, they should have a diverse range of experience in a number of different domains. 


  • This kind of Lawyer should be able to assist you if the circumstances surrounding your case do not call for any specialised knowledge or expertise. 


  • When the attorney has a greater understanding of you and your situation, they will be able to evaluate whether or not another attorney would be a better choice.


  • Wills, trusts, and leases are some documents that benefit from an attorney with general practice experience reviewing them. 


  • Cases involving traffic offences, insolvency, custody battles, and divorces are among the ones in which they might be of assistance. 


  • This attorney can speak on your behalf during negotiations and represent you in legal processes. 


  • Please ensure that the general practice attorney you intend to hire has the resources necessary to manage your particular matter before you successfully retain their services.

Why Does It Matter?

Why does it make a distinction in the kind of attorney you retain?


  • Lawyers, like medical doctors, often focus on a subset of Practice. A gastroenterologist, not a cardiologist, best treats your stomach ulcers. You would never see an anesthesiologist for asthma treatment.


  • Before entering Practice, medical doctors have undergone extensive training in a certain area. They should take this time to learn everything they can about their chosen subject so that they may provide the finest care possible for their patients.


  • To effectively represent their clients, attorneys must also complete extensive post-secondary education and training in their respective fields. An immigration attorney concentrates their efforts on mastering the complexities of immigration regulation. To put it simply, a corporate lawyer’s focus is on matters related to corporations.


  • Experience in a certain field of law is vital, and this kind of competence takes years to cultivate. If the defence has a specialist lawyer in the field of law in which you need help, you want to avoid hiring a generalist lawyer (and rest assured, they will).


To get you started, we have provided a list below with the most prevalent types and categories of attorneys. You can also take advantage of our straightforward Ask a Lawyer option to converse with a legal professional online who will correctly steer you. You will be able to locate a lawyer who specialises in the relevant field no matter what your circumstances are. It is ultimately up to you to decide how specialised you want your Lawyer to be, but you should make sure that they have prior expertise in handling the kind of conflict you are attempting to resolve.


Q. What is the best legal question to ask?

1) Do you have any prior experience with similar cases?

2) What is your strategy in my case?

3) Are there any other options besides going to court?

4) What are the possible outcomes for me?

5) Who will be in charge of my case?

6) What is my role in this situation?

Q. What factors do you consider when hiring a lawyer?

A reasonable and straightforward fee structure. Advocacy fees vary depending on the location, size, and prestige of the advocate or their firm and the advocate’s experience. A good advocate’s fee structure is clear, honest, and reasonable. As a result, you should look for someone who charges a reasonable fee for the case.

Q. What are the tools that lawyers use?

Five Digital Tools That Every Lawyer Should Use


  • Software for Practice Management. Regardless of how large or small their Practice is, every Lawyer should use a practice management system.
  • Casetext and Ravel Law
  • Evernote or Google Keep
  • Google Voice
  • Outside experts.