What Does A Permit Technician Do?

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A permit technician is a career that involves processing and issuing permits to the public. An example would be a building permit technician helping a person obtains a permit to build a house. While the exact type of permit may vary, the basic job duties of this technician are usually the same. This includes assisting the public with permit-related questions, reviewing permit applications, issuing permits, recording applicant information, fundraising, and training staff.

A large part of this job involves answering questions from the public.

For example, if a person wants to build an in-ground pool, he can contact a permit technician before doing so. The technician would be responsible for answering questions and briefing you on all necessary regulations surrounding the project. This can be done in person, by phone, or by email. Therefore, a permit technician must be knowledgeable about a variety of permit-related topics and be able to effectively communicate specific answers to questions.

Reviewing site plan for permit applications is another important job duty. Before issuing a permit, a permitting technician must carefully review each application and ensure that the proposed project complies with all government laws and regulations. At this time, he will check all the details and ask the applicant the necessary questions. If the application does not comply with the regulations, it will be rejected or measures will have to be taken to comply with the regulations. Otherwise, the applicant’s permit application will generally be approved.

Once an applicant is approved, a permit technician will issue a permit.19

At this time, he will normally record the applicant’s information by typing it into a computer. Common information recorded typically involves things like the person’s name, address, project intent, and other details. This practice allows you to easily retrieve the information later if you need to review it.

It is also the responsibility of a technician to raise funds after a permit is issued. The amount of money involved will differ depending on the type of permit issued, but you will need to be paid before a project can begin. You will also need to record the payment in a computer program in case there are problems with the applicant. Along with this, he will usually be the one to deposit the money in a company’s bank.

Additionally, a person in this position will often need to train other staff. Since a permitting technician has a significant level of experience, he or she will often be responsible for sharing that knowledge with new hires. Doing this keeps everyone on the same page and ensures consistency