What are the emergency protocols followed in IoT?

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By admin

IoT and connected devices are soon becoming a way of life. It has come a long way from remotely handling home lighting to critical and emergency missions the world over. An area of particular concern is the safety protocols that are followed in IoT devices that can help in situations of accidents or emergencies.

Standardization is critical when it comes to integrating IoT devices for emergency services. The protocols followed must ensure that it is failure-proof. With a reliable and secure IoT system in place, emergencies can be better handled. IoT has tremendous capabilities to improve public life and public safety.

With the increasing use of IoT devices for emergency protocols, there are rising opportunities for IoT careers. It includes safety protocols, device design, and development, deployment of emergency systems will be sought after.

How IoT handles Emergency Situations?

Aggregated Data can be analyzed to predict future problems. These could include smoke readings, temperature, pressure, amongst others. Excessive pressure in a gas boiler or pipeline could result in an explosion if corrective action is not initiated in time.

In the case of healthcare, when a patient makes an emergency call, his vital parameters and medical information must be available to the healthcare personnel. Fire detection systems in commercial, residential, and industrial locations can be configured to make a call to emergency services.

IoT devices can be configured to directly communicate with the appropriate authorities or other IoT devices or an automated system. IoT career opportunities are rising every year and require many suitable resources.

PWS (public warning systems) can be set up to broadcast emergency and warning messages to the public or individuals. Earthquake and tsunami alerts are transmitted on public warning systems in Chile and Japan.

In cases of emergencies, affected individuals can contact emergency services. Some vehicles are fitted with an emergency protocol to call emergency services if the vehicle suffers an accident.

In critical installations and applications, the emergency services must be immediately notified.

  • Crime Management  

IoT devices can help in law enforcement. Police firearms are RFID-tagged for better monitoring. There are IoT microphone sensors that respond when they hear explosive sounds.

  • Fire & Safety

Several IoT systems have been implemented to handle fire services. Smart buildings are equipped with IoT sensors for faster detection of fire and alerting the fire services. With the data gathered from video cameras, thermostats, and other sensors, fire services can control the situation better.

  • Medical Emergencies

Ambulances are now equipped to function as mobile and remote emergency rooms. With video relay of information and guidance, patients can be treated sooner and often while in transit to the hospital. Patient records are accessible so that treatment is better administered.

The need for Standardization

The IoT technology will be increasingly used in most areas of human life. They can be harnessed to tackle emergency and disaster situations and even help prevent them. With useful and relevant standards, the existing standards on emergency communication can be defined.

Standards are set to define the procedure in case of emergencies. Standardization in the IoT jobs means standardization of the systems being used by various IoT devices working on emergency protocols.

A unified system can go a long way in ensuring better emergency responses. This encompasses areas such as intelligent traffic systems, earthquake notifications, hazmat information, remote video surveillance, and river gauges.

Devices used for emergency alarms must be certified. They should be compatible for integration with CCTV systems and IP cameras. Following the same data, formats are also essential for seamless integration of emergency protocols.