Volunteer for deputies: the head of the Tver charity project was offered to run for the State Duma

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On April 22, Tver hosted a meeting of leaders and volunteers of the #WeTogether campaign, dedicated to the year since the launch of the project.

Gathered in the creative space “Rails” on Tryokhsvyatskaya. Not only activists of the movement (including from municipalities) came, but also the project partners, who became almost a second family for many volunteers for a year of joint work.

Yulia Saranova, head of the regional headquarters #We are together, thanked the volunteers for their selfless work for people, presented awards and letters of thanks.

– A year ago, in April 2020, when the coronavirus came, each of us had a choice – we could take refuge in self-isolation in the country or stand on the frontiers, as thousands of volunteers throughout the region did. Every day we dealt with new challenges, every day municipal curators were in touch with us, and it was a real marathon of helping people. We solved tasks that seemed impossible, ”said Yulia Saranova.

The volunteers collectively remembered the unusual and interesting events that happened during the year of work. For example, when travel restrictions were partially lifted, one grandmother came and presented the volunteer girls with a bouquet of wildflowers.

The overwhelming majority of volunteers are schoolchildren and students. When all educational institutions switched to distance education, the children collected food boxes in the warehouse for those in need, and studied during the breaks.

Photo: Kristina Belyakova

It was noticeable from those sitting in the hall that they feel like a single whole, each of them responds to the stories and cases and practices of volunteering.

Scope of assistance

Thanks to the action, 45 thousand residents of the Upper Volga region received help – mainly people over 65 in Tver and the region, as well as people with disabilities, mothers with many children, single mothers. The hotline of the project processed 143 thousand calls – people not only asked for help, but also offered it. Many volunteers delivered boxes of food aid to the districts of the oblast in their cars.

Dozens of companies have joined the charity marathon. Thanks to cooperation with the Timchenko Foundation, 200 thousand units of personal protective equipment were donated to covid hospitals and healthcare institutions throughout the region. Behind these numbers are the living stories of people who, sparing no effort, helped others.

– For us, the psychological support of the elderly was especially important. We showed that they are not alone, we do not forget them and are ready to come to the rescue at any moment, – Julia shared her experiences.


The participants of the meeting decided not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved and to develop the #We areTogether community, to expand charity and volunteer movement throughout the region.

There were some surprises. So, right at the meeting with the volunteers of Yulia Saranova, an offer was made to become a deputy of the State Duma, which was a complete surprise for Yulia herself. The idea was unanimously supported by everyone in the hall. Of course, in order to become a deputy, you need to go a long way: to successfully compete in the primaries and get into the number of candidates that the party will nominate, then win the elections themselves.

– Participation in the elections is a serious challenge and a great responsibility, for me such a proposal is a complete surprise, albeit a pleasant one, – said Yulia. – I believe that the volunteer movement should have every right to determine state policy for the development of civil society in Russia. If I happen to become a deputy, I will try to use the opportunities of this status to the maximum in order to promote and develop volunteerism and charity.

After the event, we asked two partners of the foundation what they thought about it. The first to answer was Alexei Orlov, President of the Federation of Sports Tourism of the Tver Region. It was from him that the proposal was made.

– Alexey, today you have sounded the initiative to nominate Yulia to the State Duma. Why this decision and what does it mean to you?

– I am a supporter of systemic changes. If you do something, then change the entire program, because one-time, point solutions do not lead to a result. I have been involved in public initiatives in Tver for over 15 years, and with Julia we have been working for over 10 years. During this time, I saw that her team is truly successful and achieves high results. The guys do what others cannot do. I hope that in the future I can work with her more.

– If you project this to the level of the State Duma, how can this help for the development of the organization?

– This is a window of opportunity for taking steps towards the right bills and suppressing what is not right. Letters from deputies always go straight to the governor’s desk, and do not go to various authorities. Accordingly, existing problems can be solved much faster and more efficiently.

By the way, don’t think that only young people are involved in volunteering. Public organizations, regardless of the age of their members, are involved in the provision of charitable assistance. Therefore, at the meeting in honor of the anniversary of the #WeTogether movement there were people of the older generation.

– I believe that always and everywhere there should be a person, it is necessary to promote energetic people who are respected, – commented on the news the chairman of the Council of Veterans Irina Korovkina. – I always remember the Timurov movement, which was when I was at a young age. We have always tried to help the elderly. Therefore, when there is an opportunity to help a person who really needs help, it is a great blessing. Therefore, I believe that we need to help and continue this movement. Young people are interested in it. Why would they stay at home when they can go somewhere and do a good, kind deed? Good deeds are great.

However, the idea to nominate a Tver volunteer and youth activist Yulia Saranova as a candidate for the State Duma elections was just sounded. Such a solution requires extensive and consistent work. But, if, nevertheless, it succeeds, the public figures of the Tver region will have a worthy representation at the federal level.

Photo: Kristina Belyakova