Vologda resident attacked policemen with broken glass in their hands

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The incident took place in Vologda on the street. Zosimovskaya March 17. The police found an inadequate man on the roof of the house building, who threw broken glass at them and shouted, according to the press service of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee in the Vologda region.

The law enforcers demanded that the Vologda resident come down. He said that he would not surrender to them and would not get off the roof. Then the police officers entered the house.

One of the residents said that he drank alcohol with this man. Suddenly the Vologda dweller raged, broke the window and went out through it onto the roof. He refused to go back.

Soon he nevertheless returned to the apartment, and armed with shards of glass, moved on the police. They took out their pistols and warned that they might open fire. This did not stop the violator: he continued to shout at the guards and tried to hit them with broken glass.

Law enforcers managed to detain the man and take him to the department. A criminal case was initiated, the materials were submitted to the court.

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