Vilfand warned of heavy precipitation in several regions of Russia

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The Mediterranean cyclone will bring heavy rainfall and wind to a number of Russian regions in the coming days, said Roman Vilfand, scientific director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center.

In particular, bad weather will hit Tatarstan, the North Caucasus, Tuva, Kaluga, Tver and Yaroslavl regions, as well as St. Petersburg, said the forecaster.

So, in Tatarstan, heavy thunderstorm rain and wind at a speed of 24 m / s will begin next night, he warned. Thunderstorms, heavy rain and winds up to 25 m / s are also expected in the North Caucasus.

“This is a dangerous phenomenon. In the Chelyabinsk region, frosts are up to minus 3 degrees. Also in Tuva there is very unfavorable weather – winds up to 25 m / s, and very heavy rain and sleet the next night, “- quoted by Vilfand TASS on May 1.

On May 3, bad weather in the form of heavy precipitation and winds up to 15 m / s will overtake the Kaluga, Yaroslavl, Tver and Vladimir regions. In the Novgorod and Pskov regions on May 3 and 4, there will also be rains, sleet and gusts of wind up to 18 m / s.

Heavy rainfall, including sleet, will hit St. Petersburg on May 4, the forecaster added. Strengthening of wind in the city is possible up to 15-17 m / s.

On April 29, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, allowed snow to fall in Moscow in May.