US threatened the Taliban with an international response to the breakdown of agreements

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The radical Taliban movement (banned in the Russian Federation) will face international sanctions and isolation if it obstructs negotiations in Afghanistan or tries to seize power in the country. This was announced on April 27 by the US Special Representative for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, speaking before the US Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs. The speech was broadcast by American TV channels.

According to him, in case of violation of the agreements by the Taliban, not only the American authorities, but also the international community will introduce measures against them.

“They will face isolation, opposition from [государств] region, sanctions and international opposition. There is a remarkable consensus in the region and in the international community against the military seizure of power by the Taliban, Khalilzad said.

In addition, the American diplomat called on Pakistani leaders to “use their significant leverage” with the Taliban to reduce the level of violence and support a peaceful settlement of the situation in the region. He stressed that Pakistan could face serious consequences if hostilities intensify in a neighboring state.

Earlier that day, it became known that the US government had ordered some of the American civil servants to leave the embassy in Kabul.

On April 25, General Scott Miller, Commander of US and NATO Forces in Afghanistan, said the United States and NATO had begun withdrawing troops from a number of bases in Afghanistan. The operation is scheduled to be completed by September 11th.

According to US President Joe Biden, Washington intends to support peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban, despite the forthcoming withdrawal of American troops from the country.

In February last year, at a ceremony in Qatar, the United States and the radical Taliban signed the first peace agreement in more than 18 years of war, providing for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan and the beginning of an inter-Afghan dialogue following a prisoner exchange deal.

The Taliban have guaranteed that they will not use the territory of Afghanistan for actions that pose a threat to the security of the United States and its allies.