US polling center confused the Russian and French military

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The Center for Sociological Research Harris Interactive illustrated a survey on the attitude of French citizens to the letter of the military, where they declared the danger of civil war, with a photograph of Russian soldiers from the guard of honor of the Preobrazhensky regiment.

The photo has been on the home page of the French branch of the company’s website since April 29.

According to the survey results, 58% of participants support the signers of the letter.

The overwhelming majority agree that the laws of France do not apply throughout the country, 86% of respondents expressed this opinion, and that the level of violence in the republic has increased (84% of participants noted this). 74% of those surveyed agree that the fight against racism has led to the opposite result. Almost the same number (73%) believe that this leads to a split in society.

In this context, according to the Harris Interactive website, 49% said they are not opposed to military intervention without an order in order to maintain order and security in the country.

The survey was conducted on April 28 online among 1613 respondents over 18 years old.

On April 29, it was reported that an open appeal was published by 20 retired French generals and thousands of active military personnel calling on the president to “defend patriotism.” In the letter, they say that the ideology of Islamism and youth gangs in the suburbs lead to the emergence of territories where they obey “medieval customs contrary to the constitution.” Supporters of the disintegration of France seek to essentially unleash a race war. According to the authors of the letter, the authorities must “find the courage to eliminate these dangers.” The letter was criticized by the authorities, they said that there was no such sentiment in the armed forces.

On April 13, it was reported that the British newspaper Daily Mirror used footage of the Zvezda TV channel from the exercises of the special forces of the Central Military District in Siberia to illustrate the news about “Russian troops near the border with Ukraine.”