Ukraine spoke about preparations for the launch of Nord Stream 2

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Ukraine has prepared for the launch of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, said the head of the board of Naftogaz Ukrainy, Andriy Kobolev, in an interview with the Ukrainskaya Nedelya newspaper.

“We have prepared for such a scenario,” he said, adding that if you look at the figures this summer, with the help of underground storage facilities and due to full integration into the European gas transportation system, Ukraine “will have a balance of energy resources and receive them at a fair price”.

As noted, in connection with the launch of the Russian project, Ukraine may lose revenues from transit and the “security component”. At the same time, he announced that there would be no shortage of gas in the country, since the country is protected and “re-exports gas from underground storage facilities.” According to Kobolev, Ukraine depends on imports from Belarus in the electricity market. If for some reason supplies from there stop, then the country will face rolling blackouts, the head of the NAC board said.

The creation of Nord Stream 2 was stopped in December 2019 as a result of sanctions from Washington. In February 2021, the barge Fortuna began laying pipes again in Danish waters.