Two guys stole a car from the Strugo-Krasnensky district to another region

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Two guys stole a car from the Strugo-Krasnensky district to another region. As MK in Pskov was informed in the press service of the Russian MIA Administration for the Pskov region, according to the investigation, on November 16 a VAZ-2105 car was stolen from a house in the village of Novoselye. The owner of the “five” reported the incident to the police.

Police officers found a stolen car in the village of Gorodishche, Soletsky District, Novgorod Region. It turned out that one of the suspects in the hijacking lives here – a 26-year-old worker of one of the road organizations.

The attacker acted in collusion with his friend, a 24-year-old welder from the same organization, who lives in the Novorzhevsky district. They worked together on the territory of the Strugo-Krasnensky district. Young people confessed.

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