Two cases opened in Ukraine over threats to residents of Hungarian descent

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The National Police of Ukraine opened two criminal cases due to threats to residents of the Transcarpathian region of Hungarian origin. This was reported by the police press service on Friday, December 4.

As told in the police of the region, on December 4, letters with a demand to leave Ukraine began to arrive at the e-mail addresses of organizations of the Hungarian national minority in the Transcarpathian region. If the conditions of the letter were not met, people were threatened with physical harm.

It is noted that one of the cases was initiated on the fact of threats of murder, in which the accused could face up to five years in prison. The second criminal case concerns the violation of the equality of citizens depending on their nationality, writes TASS.

On December 3, MEPs from the Hungarian parties “Fidesz” and the KDNP (Christian Democratic People’s Party) in a joint statement pointed out that the Ukrainian authorities are creating a situation of civil war in Transcarpathia.

On December 1, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry summoned the Ukrainian ambassador to Budapest, Lyubov Nepop, to protest in connection with the searches of Hungarian organizations in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. Ukrainian media reported that the Security Council of Ukraine is conducting searches in the Transcarpathian region of the leader of the local Party of Hungarians of Ukraine Vasily Brenzovich.

On October 25, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siyarto wrote on his Facebook page that “only one Hungarian party” is running for the Transcarpathian Regional Council – the Party of Hungarians of Ukraine.

Siyjarto pointed out that “it would be bad if the Hungarians were left without representation in the regional body,” and called on representatives of the Hungarian community to take part in regional elections for their own future.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called the diplomat’s calls interference in the country’s internal affairs, and also stated that they violate Ukrainian law.

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