Tula ambulance coped with the peak of New Year’s calls

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By admin

Today, January 11, the government of the Tula region is holding a weekly operational meeting of the governor of the Tula region, Alexei Dyumin. The work of the medical sector on New Year’s weekend was discussed.

Regional Minister of Health Alexey Erk made a report on this. He noted that since January 1, doctors have been taking calls both at home and in hospitals. In total, 1,300 doctors worked on holidays. 2,250 people in the Tula region received medicines at home.

All doctors on calls were provided with transport. Regional and local authorities helped in this matter.

The Center for Disaster Medicine received over 17,000 calls during the holidays. The largest number of calls fell on January 3, their number reached 1887. More than 150 ambulance teams were on the line per day. The main challenges are road accidents, strokes, heart attacks.

Even more interesting – here.

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