Trump’s ex-lawyer apologizes to porn actress Stormy Daniels

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NEW YORK | Donald Trump’s ex-lawyer had bought her silence in 2016 so that she did not talk about her alleged affair with the billionaire. Four years later, Michael Cohen had pornstar Stormy Daniels tell pornstar Stormy Daniels about this affair in a podcast, while apologizing for his past attitude.

• Read also: Stormy Daniels collaborates with Michael Cohen

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“I know that I have inflicted unnecessary suffering on you,” Michael Cohen tells Stormy Daniels during this conversation, posted on the night of Monday to Tuesday, between these two characters who marked the Trump presidency. “For that I am very sorry”.

At the end of their exchange of almost an hour and a half, he adds: “Thank you for giving me a second chance”.

Michael Cohen, who was 10 years during Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, was sentenced to three years in prison at the end of 2018, for having – among other offenses – paid $ 130,000 to Stormy Daniels in exchange for his silence on this alleged affair with the New York mogul, in violation of campaign finance laws.

Trump’s ex-man is no longer serving the end of his sentence in prison but under house arrest in his Manhattan apartment due to the pandemic. From his home, he has been broadcasting regularly since September a podcast in which he says all the harm he now thinks of his former boss, whom he accuses of having pushed him to commit a crime.

In this last episode, he tells Stormy Daniels, in sometimes very raw detail, this evening of 2006 when she claims to have had a sexual relationship with the magnate.

Trump's ex-lawyer apologizes to porn actress Stormy Daniels

This story is not new, the porn star had already spoken about it in a book published in 2018. She emphasizes in particular that even if she was not “physically threatened”, it was “the most horrible 90 seconds of (his life”.

Stormy Daniels admits that the publicity that this story has earned her has allowed her to travel, to earn money. But if she had “a magic wand” and could go back, “I absolutely would,” she said.

“I’m probably going to die alone because of this,” she said. “Who will want to go out with me?”

She who attacked Donald Trump for defamation for calling him a liar expects this case – currently before the Supreme Court – to “bounce back” now that he is no longer president, and she says she is preparing for a “Second wave” of insults or threats against her on this occasion.

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