Trump reminded Biden of his son’s drug problems

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US President Donald Trump on September 29, during a debate, criticized the son of his rival in the upcoming presidential election, Joe Biden, hinting that he was able to succeed only thanks to an influential father.

The first face-to-face debate was broadcast by CNN.

“Hunter [Байдена] kicked out of military service. He was ingloriously kicked out, dismissed for using cocaine. And he didn’t have a job until you became vice president. [После этого] he made a fortune in Ukraine, China, Moscow and elsewhere, ”Trump said.

He also reminded Biden of the scandal associated with the alleged “tens of millions of dollars” received by Hunter Biden.

In response, Biden acknowledged his son’s drug problems, but emphasized that he was proud of his child’s correction. In addition, the democrat called the information about bribes refuted.

On November 11, 2019, Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach accused Hunter Biden of receiving funds from the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma through an intermediary company Rosemont Seneca Boa. According to the deputy, at least $ 16.5 million was transferred in favor of intermediaries and Biden Jr.

He also added that earlier the financial intelligence of Latvia had handed over to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the State Financial Monitoring of Ukraine materials on the possible involvement of Hunter Biden in corruption schemes.

In September 2019, a scandal erupted in the United States after the publication of information that during a July conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, US President Donald Trump called on Kiev to investigate the activities of Joe Biden’s son in exchange for financial and military assistance.

This was the reason for the Democrats to launch the Trump impeachment procedure. However, information about pressure on Kiev was denied after the publication by the White House of a transcript of the conversation between the two leaders.

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