A young man was detained in Moscow, suspected of stealing a box with donations for the needs of shelter dogs. The face of the alleged kidnapper was caught on surveillance cameras.
According to the radio “Talking Moscow”, the underage attacker was identified by the guards of the residential complex where the box was kept, and they also detained him before the police arrived.
“We noticed [пропажу ящика с пожертвованиями] on the seventh of February and wrote a statement. We collected money for the Domashny dog shelter. A guy stole a box from us. At the moment, he was found by the security of our LCD, in which the restaurant is located. We are currently waiting for the police to hand him over. He is about 17 years old “, – said the art director of the restaurant in which there was a donation box.
Last November, three teenagers stole a donation box from a church in the city of Novouralsk.
Employees of the National Guard first found the box itself in the forest park zone, and then detained one of the abductors, and later detained his accomplices. According to the Sverdlovsk Region Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the detainees were born in 2006 and 2009. They are registered with the juvenile affairs units (MUD).