The world’s largest iceberg has melted in the Pacific

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The largest iceberg in the history of mankind – A-68 – has melted in the Pacific Ocean. Reported about it on Monday, April 19, REN TV.

According to the TV channel, at the time of its split from Antarctica 4 years ago, its area was 6 thousand square meters. km, which is 2.5 times more than the area of ​​Moscow. Also at that time, the mass of the A-68 was equal to 1 trillion. t.

Currently, the iceberg has split into many pieces.

The fact that the A-68 began to collapse became known in April 2020. Then it was noted that the iceberg had lost a piece of 175 sq. km, which could be evidence of the beginning of his death. Scientists who tracked the A-68 with the Sentinel-1 satellite were surprised at how long it had drifted on the high seas, given its fragility.

It broke away from the Larsen Ice Shelf back in July 2017.