The WHO assessed the likelihood of a complete victory over COVID-19

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A complete victory over COVID-19 is unlikely to be achieved before the end of this year. Such a statement on Friday, March 19, was made by the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Russian Federation Melita Vujnovich.

“The decision to end a public health emergency of international concern – Ed.) Depends on the situation, and, unfortunately, we see numbers, so now no assumptions should be made,” she said in a conversation with “ RIA News”.

Vujnovic also stressed that “it is important not to ‘cancel’ the pandemic, but to defeat the virus that has already killed many millions of people around the world.”

According to her, a complete victory over the virus by the end of this year is unlikely, but “in our power to reduce hospitalizations, deaths and morbidity,” writes

Earlier on the same day, Vujnovic said that a decrease in the rate of spread of coronavirus infection was observed in Russia. At the same time, according to her, in Europe, an increase in the incidence of COVID-19 is again recorded.

The official representative of the European Commission, Dana Spinant, announced on March 19 that the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic had begun in Europe.

On the eve of the director of the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) Hans Kluge noted that the number of victims from COVID-19 in Europe is currently higher compared to last year at the same time. According to him, last week the number of new deaths in the region exceeded 900 thousand people.