The water level in the Kirei River in the Angara region is approaching critical

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In the Irkutsk Region, an increase in the water level in the Kirei River near the village of Uygat (Tulunsky District) is recorded. It reached 341 cm with a critical mark of 350 cm, according to the press service of the regional GU EMERCOM.

As of 18:00 on September 14, the average water level in the Kirei River reached 323 cm. The Hydrometeorological Center predicts a further rise. In the next day, the water will reach 340-370 cm. Water is also expected to come out to the floodplain in low areas, writes IA IrkutskMedia.

Six rescuers and two watercraft were sent to the village of Uygat for the safety of local residents. It is home to 95 people, including 11 children. There is no threat of flooding of residential buildings.

In July, it became known that residents of Tulun in the Irkutsk region, who suffered during the 2019 flood, were paid about 25 million rubles as compensation for lost property. Also in Tulun, the first apartment buildings were commissioned for local residents affected by the floods. 66 families received the keys to the apartments at the end of July.

The flood occurred in the Irkutsk region in the summer of 2019. Among the worst affected were Nizhneudinsky, Tulunsky, Chunsky, Ziminsky, Zalarinsky and Kuytunsky districts. A federal level emergency regime has been introduced in the region. As a result of the disaster, 26 people died, nothing is known about the fate of four.

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