The study showed the distrust of Russians in the request for personal data by online stores

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61.6% of Russians do not like it when online stores require their personal data to place an order, according to a survey of the cloud service for trade management MoiSklad.

The study was carried out among 1606 residents of Russian million-plus cities at the age of 21–35 years.

According to his data, 38.5% of respondents are not worried about such requests, and they resigned themselves to the fact that their personal data is in the public domain. The rest are skeptical about such requirements.

28.5% of survey participants said that they would not buy in an offline store if it does not have a terminal for non-cash payments, while 54% believe that the inability to pay with a card is an inconvenience, but they try to have cash with them. 17.5% are not worried about the lack of a terminal, since they always have cash with them.

Among the most annoying factors in online shopping, respondents noted inconvenient website interfaces, which one has to understand, high shipping costs, and high prices relative to other stores. technical problems in the work of the site, the need for a full prepayment of the order, poor functionality of the site, the need to wait for a long time for delivery, poor work of technical support.

When asked where they most often had problems with returns, 21.5% of survey participants answered that in online stores when trying to return a physical product, 19% – also online, but when returning a digital product, and 17, 7% – when returned in an offline store. 41.9% did not face such problems at all.

According to the respondents, the easiest way to stumble upon a fake or defective product is in online stores (44.6%), but almost a quarter (23.8%) believe that it is easier to encounter such a thing offline. A significant part (31.7%) refrained from answering, since they had not encountered such situations.

On April 13, AliExpress Russia and research company ResearchMe compiled a portrait of an online shopper in Russian regions. It turned out that online shopping trends among middle-aged shoppers are set by women, and among users over 40 – by men. It clarifies that women who prefer online shopping are usually married and have children between the ages of 8 and 18. The average age of the female buying audience ranged from 26 to 39 years old. The study also showed that women are more likely to buy clothes, and men, in turn, buy household appliances.

On April 5, it was reported about the growth of Internet commerce in Russia. The volume of the Russian market in this direction in January-February 2021 increased by 44.2% compared to the same period last year, reaching 431.3 billion rubles.