The State Duma called the situation with the violation of the airspace of Colombia a misunderstanding

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The information about the violation of the Colombian airspace by the Russian plane is most likely a misunderstanding. This was announced on Tuesday, April 20, by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Andrei Krasov.

“We need to figure it out before commenting – is it really an aircraft that belongs to the Russian Federation, or is it an aircraft that was simply released on the territory of the former USSR or the Russian Federation and bears the identification marks of another state? Not all of the aircraft we manufacture belong to the Russian Federation. We need to sort this out, most likely, it is about an error or even a misunderstanding, ”he said.

Commenting on the transfer of American fighters to Poland, the deputy pointed out that the Russian armed forces are equipped with the most advanced weapons and military equipment, which, in terms of their characteristics, not only are not inferior, but often even surpass their Western counterparts.

“There is no threat, but this must be said: that we are concerned, that there is a buildup of weapons near the borders of the Russian Federation, all kinds of exercises are taking place near the borders. In fact, this is saber-rattling near our borders, ”added Krasov.

In addition, the deputy called on the opponents of the Russian Federation to re-read the history of Russia, recalling the parade of allied troops in Paris after France’s defeat in the Patriotic War of 1812 and in Berlin in 1945 after the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War.

On April 20, Colombian authorities decided to send a note of protest to Russian Ambassador Nikolai Tavdumadze over the violation of the country’s airspace by a Russian plane.

According to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the republic, Claudia Bloom, Russian aircraft have repeatedly violated the flight conditions issued by Colombia. Tavdumadze was informed about the importance of a prompt response from the Russian Federation and the government’s guarantees not to commit serious systematic violations of Colombian airspace, the head of the country’s Foreign Ministry said.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of the Latin American country reported that the Russian Il-96-400VPU aircraft violated the airspace of Colombia, KFIR fighters were raised to “intercept” it.

The day before, the head of the Polish Ministry of Defense, Mariusz Blaszczak, on his Twitter page announced that the European Command of the US Armed Forces had deployed several dozen F-15 and F-16 fighters to the country as part of a military exercise.

In turn, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby pointed out that American fighters were deployed to Poland as part of military exercises, which has nothing to do with the events taking place on the Russian-Ukrainian border.