The State Duma called on the world community to condemn the US airstrike on Syria

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The United States’ air strike on targets of pro-Iranian militias in Syria requires condemnation from the international community. This opinion was expressed on Friday, February 26, by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexei Chepa.

“These are illegitimate actions and we must categorically condemn this. I think this should be condemned by all countries. Such arbitrariness and open interference in the affairs of other states are unacceptable, “Chepa said in an interview with Interfax.

Earlier on Friday, the Federation Council expressed concern that US actions in Syria could lead to an escalation of the situation in the entire region. As the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov noted, the actions of the American side “look very dangerous.”

On February 25, Reuters reported that the United States launched an airstrike against a facility in Syria that may belong to the Iranian military.

Later that day, the information about the strike was confirmed by the American defense department.

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin said that the United States is confident that it has launched an airstrike in Syria against a Shiite group that previously made sorties in Iraq, including against US interests. He added that investigations and intelligence information provided by Iraq were used to clarify targets.

The Washington Post, citing a source, reported that the airstrike killed several people.

Earlier this month, the area of ​​Erbil airport in Iraqi Kurdistan, where a military base used by the US military is located, also came under rocket fire. The strike killed a civilian and injured a US soldier and several American specialists.

On February 16, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki announced that the United States reserves the right to respond to a rocket attack in Iraqi Erbil, which occurred in the vicinity of a US military base.