The State Department considered the suspension of the passage of ships in a part of the Black Sea an “escalation”

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Washington expresses deep concern over Moscow’s plans to suspend the passage of foreign warships and other vessels in Russia’s territorial waters in the Black Sea. This is stated in a statement by the press service of the US State Department, published on Monday, April 19.

The American diplomatic department noted that they consider such actions an example of “an unprovoked escalation in the framework of Moscow’s ongoing campaign to undermine and destabilize (the situation – Ed.) In Ukraine.”

It is also noted that this development of events “causes particular concern” for the United States “against the backdrop of credible reports of a buildup of Russia’s military presence” on the border with Ukraine.

On April 16, the Department of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation informed that until October 31, some areas of the Black Sea will be closed to foreign warships and other state vessels.

In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine protested, considering it a violation of international law.

On April 9, Washington warned Ankara about the passage of its two ships through the Bosphorus to the Black Sea, where they would be from April 14-15 to May 4-5. The States are coordinating these actions with the Turkish authorities under the Montreux Convention.

As Izvestia sources in the military department reported on April 14, the US Navy destroyers Roosevelt and Donald Cook suspended their movement towards the Black Sea. The ships changed their route and entered the island of Crete, where they spent the whole day.

A day later, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu confirmed that the United States had canceled the passage of its warships.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov indicated that the situation related to the dispatch of US warships to the Black Sea remains tense and it is too early to say that the suspension of the two destroyers’ march will lead to detente.

On April 16, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said at a briefing that the US military “routinely conducted warship operations in the Black Sea, and this will continue.”