The Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor approved the dates for the Unified State Examination (USE) in the country. The order was published on the official portal of legal information on Thursday, April 22.
Thus, this year, the main stage of the USE will begin on May 31 and end on July 2. The first will be exams in geography, literature and chemistry. On June 3 and 4, an exam in the Russian language will be held, and an exam in mathematics of a profile level is scheduled for June 7.
Graduates will take the USE in history and physics on June 11, in social studies – on the 15th, in biology and a foreign language (written part) – on the 18th. The oral part of the foreign language examination will be held for two days – June 21 and 22.
The exam in computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) is also divided into two days – June 24 and 25. The rest of the dates (June 28, 29 and July 2) remain as reserve days.
An additional period is planned for July 12, 13 and 14, as well as a reserve day for July 17.
Earlier, on April 12, it became known that this year the USE will be held according to a single schedule for the entire country. Exceptions will be made for regions with an unfavorable epidemiological situation.
As reported, this year this type of exam will be taken only by those who are going to enter universities, the rest will pass only the Russian language and mathematics in their schools. So, those graduates who do not plan to enter universities will take only Russian and mathematics in their schools.
In addition, the basic level USE in mathematics will not be held in 2021.